Cafe delivers free Sunday dinners to Sunderland's frontline NHS staff

Volunteers at Crazy Chops Bistro delivered free Sunday lunches to Sunderland Royal HospitalVolunteers at Crazy Chops Bistro delivered free Sunday lunches to Sunderland Royal Hospital
Volunteers at Crazy Chops Bistro delivered free Sunday lunches to Sunderland Royal Hospital
A Barnes cafe served up some proper Sunday dinners for Sunderland’s frontline NHS in a bid to brighten their weekend shift.

Crazy Chops Bistro in Ewesley Road is usually open seven days a week for hearty breakfasts and classic English dishes, but has had to close its doors in line with restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19.

In the year since she opened her business, owner Lisa Bewick has built up a good relationship with the nearby Sunderland Royal Hospital, often making deliveries for staff. So she decided to do her bit in the healthcare crisis by delivering some free Sunday lunches.

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The deliveries come as the Echo is running its #actsofkindness campaign to highlight the amazing things people are doing to help others in their community.

Crazy Chops Bistro in Ewesley RoadCrazy Chops Bistro in Ewesley Road
Crazy Chops Bistro in Ewesley Road

In total, 80 dinners were delivered to E58 ward and distributed to fellow colleagues.

Lisa said: “We had to close the bistro as it was too difficult to keep two metres apart, so we just did this as a one off as a gesture of good will.

“We’re used to delivering to the hospital, but it was quite surreal going there as there was no one at reception or anyone about until we got to the ward.”

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Speaking about the feedback to the lunches, Lisa said: “We put some pictures on our Facebook page and got an amazing response from people and the staff seemed to really enjoy the meals.”

Volunteers at Crazy Chops BistroVolunteers at Crazy Chops Bistro
Volunteers at Crazy Chops Bistro

If you know someone who has done something amazing to help our communities, contact us on social media or email: [email protected].

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