Psychiatric patient punched nursing assistant at Sunderland hospital

Hopewood ParkHopewood Park
Hopewood Park
A psychiatric patient attacked a hospital worker after asking him for a light.

Adrian Blackmore, 42, punched a nursing assistant at Hopewood Park Hospital in Ryhope, on March 1, Sunderland magistrates heard.

He has been detained under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act for 10 months.

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Prosecutor Glenda Beck said: “The defendant was behind the injured party and punched him to the back of his head with his right fist”

Blackmore, of Shoredrift Ward, admitted assault. He told police he had asked for a light. When the victim raised two fingers and whispered “two minutes”, he punched him, because he dislikes him.

Janice Hall, defending, said: “On a previous occasion there has been an issue with the same member of staff.” He was told to pay £100 in compensation.

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